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- Albert Pilon’s Scrutiny of Kwasizabantu: article in die Skriflig / in Luce Verbi department of Theology Potschefstroom.
- “I’m still reading your book “Is this a Genuine Revival”, and I cannot do otherwise but to congratulate you. I’m sure it took a long time, and it must have been a tremendous emotional, physical and spiritual challenge. I believe the fruit of this project will magnify the Lord for many years to come. Your legacy is contained in this amazing book. It makes it so much easier to fit all the pieces together (Elbe Venter, South Africa, 31-07-2018).
- “Fantastic, this book is an absolute winner!” (Anonymous, South Africa, 27-03-2016)
- “I have read the book by Albert Pilon and I have to congratulate him. It is excellent!” (Koos Greeff (former leader), South Africa, 03–06-2016)
- “Thank you for your book – I’m sure it’s been a monumental task and I just wish I could hear some of those interviews and other accounts. I lived through much of it, and I still can’t believe how much I didn’t see and how much I was blind to. It’s just the grace of God that rescued me!” (Anonymous, South-Africa, 05-05-2016)
- “After extensive research, Albert Pilon has published what must be seen as the most thorough formal overall assessment of Kwasizabantu Mission to date. I did work through the book from cover to cover and know that Albert has secured advice and criticism from a variety of key sources over several years before finalising his text. I therefore suggest to anyone who wants to know the truth about Kwa Sizabantu that this is indispensable reading. May others follow Albert’s example. There is a need for this calibre of source material about Kwa Sizabantu. For any questions or for information about hard copies of Albert’s book, see ksb-alert.com. You can also access online versions of the book in Dutch here and in English here.” (Kobus du Preez, France, 13-04-2016)
- “I have read your book eagerly, because the truth is finally revealed! It has blessed me very much. I feel that I stand a bit stronger again when sects are unmasked in such a manner.” (R.J., Netherlands, 02-05-2016)
- “Thank you for your email and the link to the book. I’ve read it in outline and although most of it was already known to me, I have learned some new details. I appreciate the thoroughness with which you wrote it. Thank you!” ( F., South Africa, 20-05-2016)
- “An impressive personal document about the spiritual quest of spiritual life by you and others: the highs and the ultimate lows of it. Let me begin by saying that I think it’s great that you desire to share this with us. And that you have come out reasonably undamaged … It is a personal reckoning with a “guru” who has caused much mental damage. It is also the unmasking of an apparent “false prophet”. I am sincerely happy that, despite the moral and material damage that you have suffered as a result, you are back in our (cultural) Calvinistic discourse…” (W.A.V. Halm, the Netherlands, 29-03-2016)
- “Thanks for sending me your book, which is attractive to potential readers. It’s a good edition. The statements of the relevant people at the end of the book in Chapter 10 are really quite frightening! I think people will more effectively find eternal salvation without Stegen.” (G. Lademann-Priemer, Germany, 08-05-2016)
- “This book is an exact version of the events at Kwasizabantu. Nobody can refute the facts.” (Barney Mabaso, a former leader, who was part of the leadership of Kwasizabantu for most of the 30 years he was linked to this mission.)
- “This book correctly describes what has been happening at Kwasizabantu. The author thoroughly researched and proved his findings in a detailed manner. This book exposes the full truth about Kwasizabantu Mission.” (Another elderly former leader.)
- “With the exception of a number of small irrelevant mistakes, this book exposes the full truth about Kwasizabantu. Nobody can deny or disprove the content of this book. Neither the leaders of Kwasizabantu nor outsiders.” (Erwin Redinger, a former co-worker, who wrote a number of articles about his personal encounters and experiences during the early years of Erlo Stegen’s ministry. To read some of these articles, go to ksb-alert.com )
Lees de omslag:
Veertien jaar lang was Albert Pilon een van de leiders van de Kwasizabantu Zending in Nederland. In 2002 trok hij zich terug uit de leiding. Tenslotte verliet hij de beweging vanwege zijn ernstige twijfels over de theologie van de opwekking en besloot een antwoord te zoeken op zijn vragen. Pilon verdiepte zich in de Zoeloecultuur en -religie, bestudeerde bestaande theologische studies naar Kwasizabantu, sprak veelvuldig met theologen en sektedeskundigen, verzamelde krantenartikelen, brieven, kortom, alle publicaties van en over Kwasizabantu.
Bovendien interviewde hij tientallen ex-leden zowel in Europa als in Zuid-Afrika, die in verschillende periodes de beweging hadden verlaten. Hun ervaringen kwamen veelal overeen en bleken als puzzelstukjes in elkaar te passen.
Naast de talloze gevallen van machtsmisbruik ontdekte Pilon verschillende parallellen tussen de leer van Kwasizabantu en de onafhankelijke inheemse kerken, die over het algemeen door de traditionele Zoeloereligie beïnvloed zijn. In dit boek geeft hij een uiteenzetting van zijn ontdekkingstocht en inzicht in het ware gezicht van Kwasizabantu.