Documents @EN

Statement of mission Kwasizabantu in respect of our recent ligitation

Advocate Dieter M. Achtzehn Chambers Eight South Eighth Floor 6 Durban Club Place DURBAN 4001 SOUTH AFRICA Email : To whom it may concern: I have been asked to prepare a statement on behalf of Mission KwaSizabantu which is based on my instructions and which expresses the opinion of the Mission. STATEMENT OF MISSION […]

Documents @EN

Erlo Stegen’s letter to the European KSB leadership

The following document is the greater portion of a letter (dated 21 June 2000) which was sent by Erlo Stegen to the European K.S.B. leadership to announce his position concerning the departure of Barney Mabaso from K.S.B. This letter was read to various K.S.B. congregations in Europe soon after. The letter opens with the text […]

Documents @EN

Press statement from Kwasizabantu Mission

By Rev E.H. Stegen – Director of Kwasizabantu Mission In the light of the many allegations in various newspapers and possible accusations along the same lines in future articles Kwasizabantu wishes to clarify the following issues: 1. CULT AND SECT ACCUSATIONS Kwasizabantu is an evangelical organisation with complete openness to other churches and organisations. There […]

Documents @EN

An Open Letter to the Brethren from Demas

By Kjell Olsen To the Beloved in Christ Jesus It is with a heavy heart that I feel compelled to write to you. Yes indeed, the hand of the Lord is heavy upon me and I can no longer remain silent. Even our blessed Saviour taught us to walk in the light because we are […]

Documents @EN

Response to various documents about KwaSizabantu Mission

By Kwasizabantu Coworkers In the light of questions and allegations in various newspapers and documents we, as co-workers at KwaSizabantu Mission, present the following response: 1. INTRODUCTION On various occasions KwaSizabantu Mission (KSB) has responded to documents to clarify the issues raised by them. This document addresses those and more recent concerns. We believe we are […]

Documents @EN

Testimony of Erwin Redinger

Former co-worker in the Maphumulo Work during the late 1960s. Dear Brethen, 1) I was born into a religious family. My parents were staunch Lutherans.We were taught, and also believed, that if anybody had the truth,we definitely had it. Although I wanted to be a good Lutheran, I must confess that it was all very […]

Documents @EN

Confession of Koos Greeff

by Koos Greeff fomer coworker I started visiting Kwa Sizabantu in May 1977. By December 1977, I became the first Afrikaans speaking co-worker at the Mission. I got married to Estelle Stegen, one of the daughters of Mr. Friedel Stegen in April 1978. We lived at KSB until the 14th of January 1994 when I […]

Documents @EN

The Process Leading up to the Website

While we feel our Website’s prefaced statement of purpose is quite detailed about our motives for our efforts to provide information, we would like to offer a rationale from a scriptural and historical basis for those who question our use of the Internet as a platform for these concerns in the first  place.  The following […]