Documents @EN

A letter to the church, from the Concerned Christians

A LETTER TO THE CHURCH, FROM CONCERNED CHRISTIANS (Accompanying the document “Urgent Plea to the Leadership of Kwasizabantu Mission”) South Africa, 19 February 2000 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ This is an open letter to inform and alert the wider Body of Christ in South Africa and abroad as to some of the unbiblical […]

Documents @EN

Testimony of Neville and Beryl Laing

About their stay and connection with Kwasizabantu Mission at Kranskop in KwaZulu Natal (Any part of these writings please may be published. We have nothing to fear from KSB). We arrived at KSB in late 1976. Not long after arriving their I accompanied Erlo Stegen and a team to a World Wide Missionary conference at […]

Documents @EN

Testimony of Zarri Pauler

I am from Iran and was born a Muslim and had never heard of Jesus. I married an Iranian man but got divorce after a short while. My son was born in this marriage. Some time later I met an America man and I married with him and we went to the USA. A girl […]

Documents @EN

Testimony of Marianne Kästli

I met the Lord Jesus personally by reading the Bible from the beginning of the Old Testament till the end of the New Testament. This happened in Switzerland during 1975. I confessed my sins to the Lord in the presence of French missionaries. When I was baptized, I prayed that I would like to give […]

Documents @EN

Testimony of Kobus du Preez

Dear Friends, Attached is a letter which I wrote on 15 August 1988 to all those who were part of the Kwa Sizabantu movement at the time. It gives a few glimpses on the sad story which unfolded during my involvement with the place from the late seventies onwards. It was the last in a […]

Documents @EN

Statement regarding my separation from Ksb

by Karl-Heinz Wicker Former Kwasizabantu-Limburg fellowship leader, co-worker in Kwasizabantu-Germany and Kwasizabantu-Europe and Vice-President of CFT-Germany. Dear Friends, I would hereby like to make an explanatory statement with regards to my separation in June 1999 from KSB and CFT, after having worked together with Kwasizabantu-South Africa as well as Kwasizabantu-Germany, having held the position(s) of […]

Documents @EN

No Grave is Deep Enough to Bury The Truth

A Brief Account of my Personal experiences at Kwasizabantu Mission in the period from 1986 to 1995. Khulekani Mathe: February 2000 When I first joined Kwasizabantu mission, fourteen years ago, as a young and zealous Christian, I never thought that Kwasizabantu mission was capable of so much evil. All I had heard of the mission […]

Documents @EN

Reflections on the Early Years of Ksb

by Erwin Redinger former co-worker in the Maphumulo Work during the late 1960s. What I am going to say here today is how I see things. You have the right to question what I am saying or you can even disagree with me. I suggest that you ask questions if things are not clear to […]

Documents @EN

Statement of mission Kwasizabantu in respect of our recent ligitation

Advocate Dieter M. Achtzehn Chambers Eight South Eighth Floor 6 Durban Club Place DURBAN 4001 SOUTH AFRICA Email : To whom it may concern: I have been asked to prepare a statement on behalf of Mission KwaSizabantu which is based on my instructions and which expresses the opinion of the Mission. STATEMENT OF MISSION […]

Documents @EN

Erlo Stegen’s letter to the European KSB leadership

The following document is the greater portion of a letter (dated 21 June 2000) which was sent by Erlo Stegen to the European K.S.B. leadership to announce his position concerning the departure of Barney Mabaso from K.S.B. This letter was read to various K.S.B. congregations in Europe soon after. The letter opens with the text […]